Andrew Zbigniew Szydlo


Andrew playing the violin

My first camera was a Zorki S, which I received as a present on my 16th birthday. I started developing my own photographs in 1968 and exhibiting in 1971. Between 1977 and 2015 I had 15 exhibitions: London (Polish YMCA, Hammersmith Lyric Theatre and Highgate School), Lodz, Paris (Polish YMCA), Poznan, Gdansk, Warsaw (Galeria BWA, Palac Kultury i Nauki) , Warsaw (Klub Filmowcow), Zakopane, Koscielisko, Ludzmierz and Vilnius.

Some examples of my work

girl with dog

Hackney, London, 1982


Acton, London, 1986

A Collection of photos taken at Highgate School

Reviewed in:

|Daily Mail| |Metro| |The Mirror| |Ham & High|

Available to buy Here

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